ZoningSupply.com - Zone Control

HVAC Zone Controls & Zoning Dampers

zone control damper

Connect SmartZone to any old 24V damper: Wiring instructions & more

Support, HVAC Damperszoning supplyComment

For most modern HVAC dampers in the marketplace, the wiring terminals are labeled in an intuitive way. In other words, the terminals have labels like “OPEN” , “CLOSE”, or “24V” . This kind of labeling was not always the norm, and just a few years ago, most damper motors were either 2-wire and had NO labels or they were “5 wire” and the terminal labels were “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” thus, requiring a manual to decipher.

We have gotten calls from customers about dozens of different damper terminal labeling schemes. While there is some consistency. This is NOT always the case.

Over the years, we have released many different wiring diagrams for many different dampers and here we are attempting to create a list of all the damper wiring information we have compiled over the years.

Please contact us if you have a different 24VAC damper than shown here and we will create instructions for any 24VAC controlled damper and post it here when complete.

NOTE: The above is for a Power-Open/ Spring-Close Damper, see below for additional options.

NOTE: The above is for a Power-Close / Spring-Open Damper. If you don’t know, you can try both of the above two methods for wiring your durozone damper.

2-Wire / Spring Dampers

One style of damper that is not shown here are 2-wire zone dampers (spring dampers) that have motors that look something like below. They all have one thing in common that you could probably guess… two wires. These wires are often not labeled and it is because the polarity does not matter. It only matters that one of them goes to the “COM” damper terminal on SmartZone and the other goes to either “OPEN” or “CLOSE”. This will depend on whether they are “Power-Open” or “Power-Close”. These types of hvac zone damper motors are powered in only one direction and they “spring” back into the opposite position. So, if you have “Power-Open” dampers the other wire should be connected to the “OPEN” terminal of the zone panel and if “Power-Close” then connect to the “CLOSE” terminal of SmartZone.

UPGRADE to better Damper Motors

We always recommend considering an upgrade to our Power-Open / Power-Close (3-wire) damper. This style of damper uses 1/10 the power of “spring” dampers and is MUCH more reliable. Spring dampers have a typically shorter lifespan than the Belimo 3 wire dampers we are selling. We have tested MANY damper motors over the years because we stand behind everything we sell it is important for us to carry and ONLY sell high quality products. This is why we DO not sell a direct replacement for this two wire motor but instead offer a way to upgrade to a MUCH better technology that will outlast the 2 wire replacement many times over. All at a cost that is almost the same. Take a look at the M847 shaft adapter and see if it or any of the others we have will allow you to upgrade.

NEW to ZoningSupply - Insertable (Retrofit) Dampers

HVAC Contractors, Productszoning supplyComment

We are proud to announce the continuation of our damper product line here at ZoningSupply.com with the "Insert-able" damper.

Ecojay SmartZone Slip-in insertable damper

Some applications call for dampers that can be "slipped" into round duct that is spiral or other hard pipe style duct.  This is not intended for use with flex-duct but can be used with any other type of hard duct.  Simply cut a slit in the duct, insert the damper and screw it down.

Ecojay SmartZone Insertable Damper
PRO-Grade Insert Zone Damper (Retrofit)
from $49.99

4", 5", 6", 7", 8", 9", 10" ROUND Diameter Dampers

12” & 14” Diameter insert dampers require additional hole to be drilled in duct opposite damper. (grommet included to insert shaft)

Industry-leading quality & highest reliability, Belimo Motor, Full-seal gasket blade, makes mounting in any round duct easy with these super-heavy duty retro-fit slip-in dampers

NOTE: All dampers subject to a 10% restocking fee.

Best damper motor (actuator) on the market... we tested them all.

Productszoning supplyComment

Well, maybe not technically ALL of them but dozens and even more than in this photo.

We narrowed down by specs that would work for us first.  Between 30 and 60 second travel time, 90 deg rotation, at least 1.5nM torque, lower than 3.5VA power consumption, 24Vac operation, clutch free movement, minimum open/close, range of 3/8" to 1/2" shaft and more.  Once we narrowed down to here we still had about 6 or 8 motors and we tested the top 5 for full 10 year accelerated life and field testing.  Some we even used in production for a while.  We are now confident when we proclaim that the Belimo motor that is made for ecojay and we sell with SmartZone wins in all categories... reliability, noise & installation/setup.

ecojay smartzone hvac zone damper actuator motor
PRO-Grade Power Zone Damper (Round)
from $69.99
Power Open/Close Motor
from $79.99

SmartZone can be used with any 24V Damper

Supportzoning supplyComment
honeywell ard mard to smartzone wiring
smartzone to honeywell damper
smartzone durazone damper

There are many different models of 24VAC dampers available on the market.  Some have 2-wires, some have 3 wires, some have 5 wires and some even have 8 wire terminals.  Nearly all of these can be used with the SmartZone products (2L, 2X & 4X).  Both 2 and 3 wire dampers are straight-forward to wire and even shown in the installation guide that comes with SmartZone.  However, some of the less common types of dampers (4, 5, 6 & 8 wire) require a little more understanding.  How to wire some of them are shown below.

If you have any other type of damper, please contact us and we will help you.


Better dampers available from ZoningSupply:

PRO-Grade Power Zone Damper (Round)
from $69.99